


1Hermite-Hadamard-type   inequalities for Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals via two kinds of   convexityAPPLICABLE   ANALYSIS2013(92)11SCIWang,   JR (Wang, JinRong) ; Li, XZ (Li, Xuezhu); Feckan, M (Feckan, Michal); Zhou, Y (Zhou, Yong)
2Fractional   sewage treatment models with impulses at variable timesAPPLICABLE   ANALYSIS2013(92)9SCIWang,   JR (Wang, JinRong);   Zhou, Y (Zhou, Yong); Wei, W (Wei,   Wei)
3Fractional   order iterative functional differential equations with parameterAPPLIED   MATHEMATICAL MODELLING2013(37)8SCIWang,   JR (Wang, JinRong);   Feckan, M (Feckan, Michal); Zhou, Y   (Zhou, Yong)
4Controllability   of Fractional Functional Evolution Equations of Sobolev Type via   Characteristic Solution OperatorsJOURNAL   OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS2013(156)1SCIFeckan,   M (Feckan, Michal); Wang, JR (Wang, JinRong); Zhou, Y (Zhou, Yong)
5Effect   of Na+ on xonotlite crystals in hydrothermal synthesisCHEMICAL   ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DESIGN2013   : 20: 1: 88-93
SCIF   Liu XD Wang  JX Cao
6Large-scale   synthesis, electromagnetic and enhanced microwave absorption properties of   low helicity carbon nanotubes/Fe nanoparticles hybridMATERIALS   LETTERS2013   : 107: 374-377出版年:SEP 15 2013SCIQi,   XS (Qi, Xiaosi)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Zhong, W (Zhong, Wei)[ 3,2 ] ; Deng,   CY (Deng, Chaoyong)[ 1 ] ; Au, C (Au, Chaktong)[ 4 ] ; Du, YW (Du, Youwei)[   2,3 ]
7Surface   Modification of Colloidal Silica Nanoparticles: Controlling the size and   Grafting ProcessBULLETIN   OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY2013v34n9p2747-2752SCIHe,   Wentao;Wu, Danhua;Li, Juan;Zhang, Kai;Xiang, Yushu;Long, Lijuan; Qin,   Shuhao; Yu, Jie;Zhang, Qin
8A knowledge based approach for product   variant designApplied   Mechanics and Materials2013   P81-P84EIWu,   YangdongZhang, Taihua
9一种面向产品族设计的模块动态规划方法计算机集成制造系统2013.19.07   P1456-P1462EI吴永明,侯亮,赖荣燊
10Evaluation and driver analysis in product   family evolutionInt   J Adv Manuf Technol2013.69.1-4   P863-P874EILiang   Hou ,Yong-ming Wu , Rong-shen Lai & Samuel H. Huang
11The   solution of enterprise ERP based on six-tier architectureProceedings   - 2013 International Conference on Computational and Information SciencesICCIS   2013, p 616-618, 2013EIQin,   Yongbin 1; Wei, Jiayin 2
12Mechanism   of wind farm damping power system oscillation and time-delay influenceDianli   Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systemsv   37, n 23, p 8-14, December 10, 2013EIChen,   Zhuo 1; Hao,   Zhenghang 2; Qin, Shuijie 3
13风电场阻尼电力系统振荡的机理及时滞影响电力系统自动化2013 , 37 (23) :8-14EI陈卓,郝正航,秦水介
14A   histogram based analytical approximate query processing for massive dataApplied   Mechanics and Materialsv   411-414, p 362-365, 2013EIYJ   Wang  HH Wang ,李晖
15KSR-tree:   A clustering based high-dimensional indexing approachApplied   Mechanics and Materialsv   411-414, p 366-369, 2013EIW   Zhang  HH Wang ,李晖
16热处理工艺对钢丝的组织及力学性能的影响金属热处理2013,38(02):109-112.EI梁宇; 明正兴; 李梅; 梁益龙
17Multi-objective   optimization of impact crusher hammers based on response surface methodologyMeitan   Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Societyv 38, n SUPPL.1, p 243-248, April 2013EIZhao,   Li-Mei; Chen, Lun-Jun; He, Feng; Zhang, Da-Bin 1 ; Li, Yi; Luo, Yu
18Vehicle   lateral states estimation using Kalman-Bucy filterLecture Notes in Electrical Engineeringv   198 LNEE, n VOL. 10, p 227-235, 2013EIZhao,   Jin; Zhao,   Rongchen ; He, Feng
19Parameter   optimization of a sound absorption layer based on multi-objective genetic   algorithmShanghai   Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Universityv47,n8,p1300-1305,August   2013EITao,   Meng ; Wang, Guang-Wei
20Acoustic   performance of sound absorption coating containing composite cavitiesShanghai   Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong Universityv47,n3,p408-412,March   2013EITao,   Meng; Zhuo,   Lin-Kai
21Acoustic   performance of a sound absorption coating containing periodic elliptic   cylindrical cavitiesZhendong   yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shockv32,n1,p159-163,January   15,2013EITao,   Meng ; Zhuo, Lin-Kai
22Interface   modification of aramid fiber/natural rubber composites with dynamically cured   epoxyGaofenzi   Cailiao Kexue Yu Gongcheng/Polymeric Materials Science and Engineeringv29,n   12,p77-81,December 2013EIYang,   Shirun; Luo, Zhu ; Wu, Xiaoyu ; Xia, Zhonglin; Yu,   Jie
23Effect   of Na+on xonotlite crystals in hydrothermal synthesisInternational   Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materialsv   20, n 1, p 88-93, January 2013EILiu,   Fei 1; Wang,   Xiao-Dan 1 ; Cao, Jian-Xin 1
24Embedding   functions into disjunctive logic programsLecture   Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial   Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)年:2013;卷:8049;页:255—372EIWang,   Yisong; You,   Jia-Huai; Zhang, Mingyi
25Forgetting   for answer set programs revisitedCAI   International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence年:2013;页:1162—1168EIWang,   Yisong ; Wang, Kewen; Zhang, Mingyi
26Belief   change in nonmonotonic multi-context systemsLecture Notes in Computer Science (including   subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in   Bioinformatics)年:2013;卷:8148;页:543—555EIWang,   Yisong ; Zhuang, Zhiqiang; Wang, Kewen
27Eliminating   nonmonotonic DL-atoms in description logic programsLecture   Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial   Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)年:2013:卷:7994;页:168—182EIWang,   Yisong ; Eiter,   Thomas; You, Jia-Huai; Yuan, Liyan ; Shen, Yi-Dong
28Study   on conversion between the common models of PSD-BPA and PSS/EProceedings   of 2013 IEEE 11th International Conference on Electronic Measurement and   Instruments, ICEMI 2013年:2013;卷:1;页:64—69EIHan,   Song ; Rong, Na ; Sun, Ting; Peng, Xiaojun
29An   approach for estimating mode shape for participation of inter-area   oscillation modeProceedings - IEEE International Symposium   on Circuits and Systems年:2013;页:2968—2971EIHan,   Song ; Rong, Na;   Sun, Ting ; Zhang, Jing
30An   improved routing algorithm based on LEACH for wireless sensor networks2013   25th Chinese Control and Decision Conferencep 3716-3720, 2013EIYang,   Jing 1   ; Li,   Zetao 1 ; Lin, Yi 1
31Research   on fault detection of tennessee eastman process based on PCA2013   25th Chinese Control and Decision Conferencep 1078-1081, 2013EIChen,   Dan 1; Li, Zetao   1; He, Zhiqin 1
     An improved routing algorithm based on LEACH for wireless sensor networks
2013 25th Chinese Control and Decision   Conferencep 3716-3720, 2013EIYang,   Jing 1; Li,   Zetao 1 ; Lin, Yi 1
33大跨度装配整体式钢-混凝土组合空腹楼板受力性能试验研究建筑结构学报2013    34  10 期:32-40EI杨期柱;马克俭;胡岚;张华刚;谈忠坤
34多层石膏墙体钢网格式框架结构影响系数研究建筑结构学报2013    34  9 期:66-72EI孙涛; 马克俭; 陈志华; 王其明
35轴压套管构件的理论和试验分析及设计湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2013   第40第6期:33-39EI申波; 马克俭; 胡岚; 邓长根
36新型RC网格式框架结构墙体试验研究湖南大学学报(自然科学版)2013   第40第4期:8-14EI卢亚琴; 胡岚; 马克俭; 张华刚
37轴压套管构件静力稳定的理论与试验研究工程力学2013    30 卷第 3 期:8-23EI申波; 马克俭; 邓长根
38Modeling   and simulation on crushing process of impact crusherMeitan   Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society2013 v 38, n 8, p 1496-1502, August 201EIZhao,   Li-Mei; Chen, Lun-Jun; Su, Ming; He, Feng; Zhang, Da-Bin; Luo, Yu