


1Patent   Keyword Extraction Algorithm Based on Distributed Representation for Patent   ClassificationEntropy2018.2   20(2) P1-P19SCIHu   Jie,Li Shaobo,YaoYongYu, Liya YangGuanci
2A   Hierarchical Feature Extraction Model for Multi-Label Mechanical Patent   ClassificationSustainability2018.1   10(1)SCIHu,   Jie,Li Shaobo,Yang Guanci
3A new method for retrieving batik shape   patternsJournal   of the Association for Information Science & Technology2018.4   69(4) P578-P599SCIYuan   Qingni,Xu Songhua,Jian Lv
4Adaptive Synchronization of the   Fractional-Order Chaotic Arch Micro-Electro-Mechanical System via Chebyshev   Neural NetworkIEEE   SENSORS JOURNAL2018189SCILuo,   Shaohua; Li, Shaobo; Tajaddodianfar,   Farid
5Observer-based   adaptive stabilization of the fractional-order chaotic MEMS resonatorNONLINEAR   DYNAMICS2018923SCILuo,   Shaohua; Li, Shaobo; Tajaddodianfar,   Farid
6ASPIE:   A Framework for Active Sensing and Processing of Complex Events in the   Internet of Manufacturing ThingsSUSTAINABILITY2018103SCILi, Shaobo; Chen, Weixing; Hu, Jie
7Adaptive   chaos control of the fractional-order arch MEMS resonatorNONLINEAR   DYNAMICS2018911SCILuo,   Shaohua; Li, Shaobo; Tajaddodianfar,   Farid
8Inferring   phase diagrams from X-ray data with background signals using graph   segmentationMATERIALS   SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2018343SCILi, Shaobo; Xiong, Zheng;
9Formation   of Fe-rich intermetallics in Al–5.0Cu–0.5 Fe alloys with different Mn
Materials   Science and Technology2018,   acceptSCIBo   Lin, Rui Xu, Haoyu Li and   Weiwen Zhang
10Patent   Keyword Extraction Algorithm Based on Distributed Representation for Patent   Classification
ENTROPY2018,   20(2):104.SCIJ   Hu  S Li  Y Yao  L Yu    G Yang JJ Hu
11Formation   of Fe-rich intermetallics in Al-5.0Cu-0.5 Fe alloys with different Mn   additionsMaterials   Science and Technology20184902SCILin   Bo*, Xu Rui, Li Haoyu, Zhang   Weiwen,

 Chaotic behavior and adaptive control of

 the arch MEMS resonator with state

 constraint and sector input

 IEEE Sensors Journal2018SCIShaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Trandinh Phung
13Convolutional   Neural Network-Based Embarrassing Situation Detection under Camera for Social   Robot in Smart Homes.Sensors   (Basel, Switzerland)2018   :18 :5出版年:2018 May 12SCIYang,   Guanci; Yang, Jing; Sheng, Weihua; Junior, Francisco Erivaldo Fernandes; Li,   Shaobo
14Structure and properties of   lanthanum doped AlCrN coatingsSURFACE   & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY2018   : 337: 439-446出版年:MAR 15 2018SCIHao   Dua,b,⁎, Linlin Wangc, Mingqing Youngb, Haibo Zhaod, Ji Xiongc, Weicai Wane
15Existence   and Hyers-Ulam stability of fractional nonlinear impulsive switched coupled   evolution equationsMATHEMATICAL   METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES2018(41)6SCIWang,   JR (Wang, JinRong) ; Shah, K (Shah, Kamal); Ali, A (Ali, Amjad)
16A   class of nonlinear non-instantaneous impulsive differential equations   involving parameters and fractional orderAPPLIED   MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION2018(321)SCIYang,   D (Yang, Dan); Wang,   JR (Wang, JinRong) ; O'Regan, D   (O'Regan, D.)
17Analysis   of iterative learning control with high-order internal models for fractional   differential equationsJOURNAL   OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL2018(24)6SCILiu,   SD (Liu, Shengda); Wang,   JR (Wang, JinRong)
18A   comparative study of lead-free (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.08Sn0.02)O-3 ceramics   prepared by conventional sintering and microwave sintering techniquesCERAMICS   INTERNATIONAL
2018: 44: 1: 788-798SCICai,   Enpei ; Liu, Qibin ; Zeng,   Fangfang ;Wang, Yuanyu ; Xue, An
19Numerical   study of spatter formation during fiber laser welding of aluminum alloyJournal   of Manufacturing Processes2018;v   31, p 72-79SCIZhang,   Dabin; Li, Canli;Liu, Xixia;Cao, Yang;Wu,Dongsheng
20Microstructure   and properties of in-situ TiN reinforced laser cladding CoCr2 FeNiTi x   high-entropy alloy composite coatingsSurface   & Coatings Technology2018SCIYaxiong   Guo,Xiaojuan Shang,Qibin Liu
21Microstructure   and properties of Fe5Cr5SiTiCoNbMoW coating by laser claddingSurface   Engineering2018   34(4) P283-P288SCIYaxiong   Guo,Xiaojuan Shang,Qibin Liu,Zhou   F
22Robust   Stability of Inertial BAM Neural Networks with Time Delays and Uncertainties   via Impulsive EffectNEURAL   PROCESSING LETTERS2018   : 48: 1: 245-256 出版年:AUG 2018SCIZhang,   W (Zhang, Wei) ; Huang, TW (Huang, Tingwen); Li, CD (Li, Chuandong) ; Yang, J (Yang, Jing)
23Enhanced   persistent luminescence of LiGa5O8:Cr3+ near-infrared phosphors by codoping   Sn4+JOURNAL   OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS2018   : 29: 12: 10535-10541出版年:JUN 2018SCIHuang,   WC (Huang, Weichao)[ 1 ] ; Gong, XY (Gong, Xinyong)[ 1 ] ; Cui, RR (Cui,   Ruirui)[ 1 ] ; Li, XC (Li, Xucheng)[ 1 ] ; Li, LR (Li, Liangrong)[ 1 ] ;   Wang, X (Wang, Xu)[ 1 ] ; Deng, CY (Deng, Chaoyong)[ 1 ]
24Cr3+   activated Zn3Al2Ge3O12: a novel near-infrared long persistent phosphorJOURNAL   OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS2018   : 29: 7: 5275-5281出版年:APR 2018SCIHuang,   WC (Huang, Weichao)[ 1 ] ; Wu, DN (Wu, Dongni)[ 1,2 ] ; Gong, XY (Gong,   Xinyong)[ 1 ] ; Deng, CY (Deng, Chaoyong)[ 1 ]
25The   photoluminescence and afterglow properties of Ca2SnO4:Sm3+ phosphorJOURNAL   OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS2018   : 29: 7: 5668-5674出版年:APR 2018SCIGong,   XY (Gong, Xinyong)[ 1 ] ; Cui, RR (Cui, Ruirui)[ 1 ] ; Li, XC (Li, Xucheng)[   1 ] ; Huang, WC (Huang, Weichao)[ 1 ] ; Deng, CY (Deng,   Chaoyong)[ 1 ]
26Comparison   of subsurface damages on mono-crystalline silicon between traditional   nanoscale machining and laser-assisted nanoscale machining via molecular   dynamics simulationNUCLEAR   INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS   WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS2018414SCIDai,   Houfu; Li, Shaobo; Chen, Genyu
27离散花朵授粉算法求解多目标柔性车间调度计算机集成制造系统2018   网络优先出版EI黄海松;刘凯;初光勇
29Handling   data skew in joins based on cluster cost partitioning for MapReduceMultiagent and Grid Systems2018.14.01   P103-P123EI Wang,   Yang ; Zhong, Yong ; Ma, Qingshan; Yang, Guanci
30Modified   Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dropout and the Stochastic Gradient   Descent OptimizerAlgorithms2018.11.03   P1-P15EIYang,   Jing ; Yang, Guanci
31Health   monitoring and diagnosis of equipment based on multi-sensor fusionInternational   Journal of Online Engineering2018   v 14, n 4, p 4-19, 2018EIYao,   Xuemei 1; Li,   Shaobo 2; Yao, Yong 2; Xie, Xiaoting 1
32Equipment   condition monitoring and diagnosis system based on evidence weightInternational   Journal of Online Engineering2018   v 14, n 2, p 143-154, 2018EIYao,   Xuemei 1; Li,   Shaobo 2; Zhang, Ansi 1
33A   novel evolutionary algorithm for designing robust analog filtersAlgorithmsv   11, n 3, p 1-22, March 1, 2018EILi,   Shaobo 1 , 2; Zou, Wang 1 , 2;
34Structure and properties of   lanthanum doped AlCrN coatingsSurface   and Coatings Technologyv   337, p439-446, March 15, 2018EIHao   Du, Linlin Wang, Mingqing Young, Haibo Zhao, Ji Xiong, Weicai Wan
35Optimization   of the High-speed On-off Valve of an Automatic Transmission .Materials   Science and Engineering339(2018)012035EIZHAO   Li-mei, WU Huai-chao, ZHAO Lei, Long Yun-xiang and Li Guo-qiao.
36Control   and Simulation of Torque Converter Lock-up Clutch.MATEC   Web of Conferences160,   05006 (2018)EIZHAO   Li-mei, WU Huai-chao, PENG Zheng-hu, ZHANG Cheng, TANG Shi-hao, Long   Yun-xiang and Li Guo-qiao.
37Adaptive synchronization of the   fractional-order chaotic arch micro-electro-mechanical system via Chebyshev   neural networkEEE   Sensors Journal年:2018;卷:18;期:9;页:3524-3532EILuo,   Shaohua;Li, Shaobo;Tajaddodianfar, Farid;
38Design   Factor Analysis Based on Fractional Factorial ExperimentMechanisms   and Machine Science2018.55   P495-P506EIWu,   Yangdong
39211Z-X新型高强韧铝合金热成形及动态再结晶行为研究稀有金属2018,42(01):36-44.EI龚乾江; 杨明; 梁益龙; 徐祥; 张世伟
40Perturbation   Sensitivity Analysis and Dynamic Topology Optimization for Heat Conduction   StructureWireless   Personal Communicationsp 1-20, March 9, 2018EILi,   Jiachun; Zou,   Zhongfei; Chen, Yuewei
41Microstructure   and properties of in-situ TiN reinforced laser cladding   CoCr2FeNiTixhigh-entropy alloy composite coatingsSurface   and Coatings Technologyv   344, p 353-358, 25 June 2018EIGuo,   Yaxiong; Shang, Xiaojuan; Liu, Qibin
42CoCrFeNi-M   系高熵合金的结构与相变材料导报2018.32.01   P122-P127EI郭亚雄,刘其斌,尚晓娟,徐鹏,周芳
43Enhanced   persistent luminescence of LiGa5O8:Cr3+near-infrared phosphors by codoping   Sn4+
Journal   of Materials Science: Materials in Electronicsv 29, n 12, p 10535-10541, June 1, 2018EIHuang,   Weichao 1 ; Gong, Xinyong 1 ; Cui, Ruirui 1 ; Li, Xucheng 1 ; Li, Liangrong 1   ; Wang, Xu 1 ; Deng, Chaoyong 1
44Cr3+activated   Zn3Al2Ge3O12: a novel near-infrared long persistent phosphorJournal   of Materials Science: Materials in Electronicsv 29, n 7, p 5275-5281, April 1, 2018EIHuang,   Weichao 1 ; Wu, Dongni 1 , 2 ; Gong, Xinyong 1 ; Deng,   Chaoyong 1
45Propagation   characteristics of the Underground-to-Aboveground Communication link about   2.4GHz and 433MHz radio wave: An empirical study in the pine forest of   Guizhou Province2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on   Computer and Communicationsv 2018-January, p 1041-1045, March 22, 2018EIDu,   Dan 1; Zhang, Heng 1; Yang, Jing 1; Yang, Ping 1