






担任国家自然科学基金项目评审专家,国内外制造领域多期刊审稿人,主要包括《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED

MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY》、《Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering》、《PLOS NOE》、《工具技术》、《应用力学学报》等国内外期刊。


1. 多元涂层复合微结构铣刀抗损设计与切表层性态调控方法,国家自然科学基金委,地区科学基金项目,522650552023.01-2026.1233万,在研,主持

2. 高温合金高效切削微结构铣刀破损裂纹预测与抑裂调控研究,国家自然科学基金委,青年科学基金项目,520051182021.01-2023.1224万,在研,主持

3. 医用钛合金的可控切削法表面性态强化研究,贵州省科技厅,科技计划项目,黔科合基础-ZK[2022]重点0262022.04-2026.0330万,在研,主持

4. 基于Oxley-Welsh理论的航空铝合金7075车削过程热力学特性研究,贵州省科技厅,科技计划项目,黔科合基础[2020]1Y2342020.03-2023.0310万,结题(绩效优秀),主持

5. 基于切削能的新型硬质合金涂层微槽车刀切削刃近域失效机理研究,贵州省教育厅,青年科技人才成长项目,黔教合[2018]2482018.11-2021.106万,结题,主持

6. 双侧电驱动履带式田间鲜烟叶搬运机械研制,贵州理工学院,大地论文工程项目,KJZX20-0012020.01-2021.125万,结题,主持

7. 基于Oxley-Welsh理论的微槽车刀切削过程热力学特性研究,贵州理工学院,高层次人才科研启动项目,XJGC201906722019.06-2022.0530万,在研,主持

8. 《先进制造技术(双语)》教学内容与课程体系改革,教育部高教司,产学合作协同育人项目,2018010470072019.01-2020.123万,结题,主持


[1] Hongwan Jiang, Chengyong Wang*, Zhongwen Ren, Yanliang Yi, Lin He. Influence of cutting velocity on gradient microstructure of machined surface during turning of high-strength alloy steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 819:141354. (SCI一区,TOPIF=5.266)

[2] Hongwan Jiang, Yafang Lu, Xulong An, et al. Effect of Al/Ti ratio on the microstructure, texture and incipient plasticity of 95AlxTiy high entropy alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023, 866:144651. (SCI一区,TOPIF=6.044)

[3] Hongwan Jiang*, Zhongwen Ren**, Yanliang Yi, Lin He, Sen Yuan. Effect of machining on performance enhancement of superficial layer of high-strength alloy steel. Journal of Materials research and Technology, 2021, 14: 1065-1079. (SCI二区,IF=5.039)

[4] Hongwan Jiang*, Zhongwen Ren, Zhongfei Zou, Sen Yuan. Reinforcement effect of cutting process on machined surface quality and performance of aviation aluminum alloy 7075 based on Oxley-Welsh theory. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 86:153-172. (SCI二区,IF=5.684)

[5] Hongwan Jiang*, Zhongwen Ren, Lin He, Sen Yuan, Zhongfei Zou. Prediction of residual stress in the process of turning high strength alloy steel by innovative coated carbide microgroove tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2020, 106: 4693-4705. (SCI三区,IF=3.266)

[6] Hongwan Jiang*, Lin He, Zhongwen Ren, Gang Zhan, Zhongfei Zou. Wear mechanism of the loose layer on the rake face of a new cemented carbide micro groove turning tool. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 95(5):1069-1080. (SCI三区,IF=2.601)

[7] Hongwan Jiang, Lin He*, Zhongfei Zou, Xinyu Yang, Gang Zhan. Experimental research on strain-hardening effect of 40CrMnMo in turning process based on the Oxley-Welsh theory. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(10):3053-3061. (SCI三区,IF=2.601)

[8] Hongwan Jiang*, Lin He, Zhongwen Ren, Fang Shao, Sen Yuan. Forming process and evaluation of chip in machining of high-strength steel by an independent-developed microgroove turning tool. Science Progress, 2021, 104(3): 1-18. (SCI三区,IF=2.774)

[9] Hongwan Jiang*, Chengyong Wang, Zhongwen Ren, Lin He. Comparative analysis of residual stress and dislocation density of machined surface during turning of high strength steel. Procedia CIRP, 2021, 101: 38-41. (EI)

[10] Hongwan Jiang, Sen Yuan*, Hao Liu, Weiwei Li, Xiaorong Zhou. Numerical analysis and optimization of key parts in the stirred tank based on solid-liquid flow field. Science Progress, 2022.105(1): 1-26. (SCI四区,IF=2.205)

[11] 蒋宏婉,王成勇*,任仲伟,陈汪林,何林.切削过程中高强合金钢浅表层性态强化研究[J].机械工程学报, 2021, 57(23):262-272. (卓越计划重点期刊, EI)

[12] 蒋宏婉.硬质合金车刀改进前后切削能对比研究[J].工程设计学报,2019,26(06):700-705. (中文核心)

[13] 蒋宏婉.优化硬质合金涂层微槽车刀后刀面磨损失效对比研究[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术,2020(05):138-140. (中文核心)

[14] 蒋宏婉,任仲伟,陈伟专,邹中妃.优化设计的涂层硬质合金车刀磨损仿真研究[J].机床与液压,2021,49(07):141-145+127. (中文核心)

[15] 蒋宏婉,任仲伟,袁森,邹中妃.硬质合金车刀主偏角对不锈钢切削热力学行为影响仿真[J].工具技术,2022,56(07):99-103. (中文核心)

[16] 蒋宏婉,任仲伟,袁森,周小容,岳熙.7075铝合金加工表面质量研究[J]. 组合机床与自动化加工技术,2022(08):137-139+143. (中文核心)

[17] 蒋宏婉,袁森,岳熙,任仲伟,何林.基于Oxley-Welsh理论的7075铝合金干切削过程应变硬化效应研究[J].工具技术,2022,56(08):19-25. (中文核心)


[1] 蒋宏婉,任仲伟,吉乔军,伍健. 一种多尺寸自动定距成型木材指接机,ZL202010694688.3,发明型,(2022.07)

[2] 蒋宏婉,张文博,何林,李长虹. 液力变矩器全流道瞬态数值模拟计算方法, 201410314940.8,发明型. (2017.08.08)

[3] 何林,蒋宏婉,占刚,邹中妃,吴锦行,杨薪玉. 一种切削高强度合金钢40CrMnMo的硬质合金微槽车刀,201610995478.1,发明型. (2018.10.09)

[4] 蒋宏婉,何世帅,任仲伟,熊清涛. 一种一体式铣刀轮廓检测装置,CN201920289689.2,实用新型. (2019.12)

[5] 蒋宏婉,任仲伟,李明阳. 一种数控车刀轮廓检测仪刀片夹持机构,CN201921113893.5,实用新型. (2020.02)

[6] 蒋宏婉,伍键,任仲伟,姚川. 一种摩天轮式自行车停车库,CN201920289701.X,实用新型. (2019.12)

[7] 冯桥,蒋宏婉,唐廷圆,任仲伟等. 一种电驱轮式田间鲜烟叶搬运车,CN202021125843.1,实用新型. (2021.02)


1. Comparative analysis of residual stress and dislocation density of machined surface during turning of high strength steel, 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (第九届高性能切削国际学术会议)CIRP(国际生产工程科学院), 学术报告,2021.05.

2. Influence of cutting velocity on gradient distribution of dislocation density of machined surface during turning of high strength steel, The 14th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (第十四届设计与制造前沿国际会议),海报展览,2020.09.

3. 硬质合金车刀前刀面切削刃近域设计研究进展, 中国机械工业金属切削刀具技术协会切削先进技术研究分会, 2018.07.

4. Experimental research on residual stress in the process of cemented carbide coating micro groove tool Cutting 40CrMnMo,第二届制造工程与智能材料国际学术会议,2017.02.